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Oscar E. Tamayo Alzate


In education, to undertake an evolutionary perspective for learning is very important due to the fact that it allows a better understanding of learning processes of scientific concepts, their evolution and interaction with the concepts being studied in the classroom and the influence of cultural factors in such processes. There is no doubt that the theory of conceptual change has had a significant impact in teaching and, especially, in education research in the last two decades. However, it is important to mention that most of those studies refer almost exclusively to the conceptual dimension. New studies about the conceptual change may introduce include dimensions such as the affective, sociocultural and sociohistorical aspects. Thus, together with the contributions from the conceptual view, the science philosophy and the cognitive science, a study from a comprehensive perspective is undertaken. Here, we will refer in detail to some aspects of cognitive processes involved in the conceptual change within the framework of a transcultural discussion. First, we will present some general considerations of the role of culture in the learning process within the framework of the concept of modularity of mind and that of specific domain knowledge. Next, we will refer to the model of learning as conceptual change or conceptual evolution. Finally, we will refer to some basic questions which lead to future research projects. No references will be given about aspects of science epistemology, learning psychology, concept-formation psychology. These should be consulted in the specialized literature.

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Tamayo Alzate, O. E. (2016). A transcultural conceptual change from a comprehensive perspective. ÁNFORA, 17(28), 53–68.


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Conceptual change, learning, cognition, culture.

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