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Oscar Hernán Moscoso Ariza Francia Restrepo de Mejía José Armando Vidarte Claros Mary Orrego Cardozo


This paper presents a review of the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
This represents one of the most relevant aspects for the theoretical basis and
the advance of the cognitive neuroscience in this field. This is true because the
attention and memory processes underlie the physiopathology of the central
nervous system. The ADHD is one of the most frequent chronic diseases in
childhood. We present here its definition, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, we show the use of the neurophysiological techniques called event-related cognitive potentials for the early detection and the improvement of the differential diagnosis and the intervention processes, reducing thus the negative impact caused in our society.

How to Cite

Moscoso Ariza, O. H., Restrepo de Mejía, F., Vidarte Claros, J. A., & Orrego Cardozo, M. (2016). Use of event-related cognitive potentials (erp) in the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd). ÁNFORA, 17(28), 35–52.


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Attention, Hyperactivity, Disorder Attention, Event- Related Cognitive Potentials.

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