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Castelli Olvera Azul Kikey Rosa María Valles Ruiz


Objective: to determine the scope of bulliyng in order to study this phenomenon’s transfer from classrooms to digital social networks and to identify the aggressive behavior which derives from such practices.

Methodology: semi-structured interviews were applied to 124 undergraduate students in public and private universities. The interviews included 16 questions, ranging from the knowledge surrounding the definition of bullying to the intervention of the authorities, to detect and stop bullying.

Results: there is a bullying transfer from the classroom practice to social networks. There has been a change regarding the abuse´s continuum, as well as an increase among the observers who legitimize the aggressor. The university classroom walls are transcended, and the humiliation is magnified by its sharing on social networks, not only within the university group but also with wider networks of friends.

Conclusions: the problem of bullying, defamation and threats inside the classroom are increasing; despite the existence of programs inside and outside schools to stop bullying. Studies indicate that the psychological victims are increasing. Aggressive behavior among peers both increases and changes as the victims or victimizers get older. Furthermore, more studies could be carried out surrounding variable such as age and sex, and as according to this study’s results, the phenomenon could be extended to older ages.

How to Cite

Azul Kikey, C. O., & Valles Ruiz, R. M. (2018). From the Classroom to Social Networks: Cyberbullying at Two Universities in Pachuca, Hidalgo (Mexico). ÁNFORA, 25(44), 233–254.


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Keywords, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Higher Education

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