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Rosa María Valles Ruiz


Objective: to analyze the article "Mexican intellectuals against America" and the subtitle "With tomorrow’s United States" published in 1943 by the Mexican José Revueltas, on the challenges and scope of the vicinity of Mexico with the United States. Thus, in close relation to the context of the Second World War, the geopolitical and historical reasons of the relationship between the two nations are explained.

Methodology: the contents of the article were semantically analyzed. The method of discourse analysis permitted expansion and deeper analysis into the meaning of the article. The methodological approach adopted emphasizes that the discursive expressions are not separated from the situation in which they were issued. Each communicative event serves to express some effective thinking or feeling at that time and in that situation.

Results: the perspective of the writer José Revueltas on the Mexico-USA relationship in the context of World War II is characterized by noting the civilizing elements that make evident the possibility of a peaceful and respectful coexistence in both countries. The writer's ability to use polyphony and some categories of stylistic analysis are evident. The analysis reflects the conflicting edges of relations between Mexico and the United States.

Conclusions: the context of World War II influences the writer, because his speech is immersed in a social situation in which Mexico is part of the Allies, with the USA in the international contest.

How to Cite

Valles Ruiz, R. M. (2016). Challenges and scope of the vicinity of Mexico with the United States: A look from the perspective of the Mexican writer José Revueltas. ÁNFORA, 21(36), 67–90.


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Discourse Analysis, Mexico-US Relationship, Polyphony, Stylistic Analysis.

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