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Orlando Londoño Betancourt


The Universidad Autónoma de Manizales decided to redesign its curricular structure as a product of its activities on strategic planning, This redesign resulted in the creation of a MacrocurricuIum as an alternative leading to the holistic formation of its students. It consists ofthree areas: Sociohumanistic component, foreign language component and the component dealing with the development of managerial mentality. This Macrocurriculum is no doubt a great achievement of the University, especially because u is a clear evidence of how education must be in the XXI century thus, being the macrocurriculum an institutional experience on complex thinking, This macrocurriculum is the main object of this paper.

How to Cite

Londoño Betancourt, O. (2017). Structuring the individual that contemporary society needs. the macrocurriculum as a complex thinking experience. ÁNFORA, 9(16), 33–43.


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Integral formation, Education-Teaching, Curriculum development

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