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Renato Salas Alfaro Jerjes Izcoatl Aguirre Ochoa


Objective: to identify some types of violence that motivate the emigration of Mexicans to foreign countries and the violence that affects their socio-productive reintegration upon their return.

Methodology: in-depth interviews were conducted with a non-random sample of returnees to towns in Mexico.

Results: the types of violence that most promote emigration of Mexicans are associated with financial need, immaturity and dreaming of the North, among others. Domestic violence, family and labor disputes, extortion and blackmail, as well as insecurity to live in a certain place also outstand. Although most Mexicans bring assets and technical knowledge when they return, socio-productive reintegration is restricted by circumstances such as institutional violence (corruption, red tape), insecurity (kidnapping, blackmail and extortion) and discrimination by age and Northern condition.

Conclusions: emigration is often associated with financial need, the desire to improve, intentions to bring resources, whereas return is viewed as the closure of the migration cycle and the ability to meet the yearning to return to the place of origin. This study also concludes that different types of violence influence this decision, but they are associated with other conditions. Upon return, reintegration is complicated because, coupled with other circumstances such as the manifestation of violence, individuals cannot make productive use of the assets they brought along.

How to Cite

Salas Alfaro, R., & Aguirre Ochoa, J. I. (2016). Violence and International Migration in the State of Mexico. ÁNFORA, 22(39), 99–123.


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State of Mexico, Violence, International Migration, Entrepreneurship.

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