Peer Review Process

ÁNFORA journal submits manuscripts for evaluation, using the DOUBLE BLIND system to ensure manuscript quality and foster dialogue among the members of the academic and scientific communities, thus establishing validity and rigorousness of research processes and results.

Each manuscript shall have at least two evaluators. If the evaluations are in conflict, a third reviewer will make the decision.

Download Evaluation Form

The evaluation results will be made known to the authors through a communication sent by the publisher who will be the intermediator for the communication of suggestions, corrections, and other concerns of both the authors and the evaluators.

The evaluation time is estimated at three months from receipt of the manuscript to the evaluators’ responses. Authors will have a maximum of 15 days to incorporate any changes needed. 

In the case of changes requested to the manuscripts due to publishing issues, those changes will be made on the acceptance and approval of the authors.

Once the manuscript is formatted, a pdf (preprint) is sent to the authors for final verification.