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José Rubén Castillo García


This paper shows the results of a study carried out with young people in
Caldas State, Colombia. According to the DANE (2005), the youth population
estimated for 2007 was of 237,130, that is, 97,789 between 14 and 18 years;
74,413 between 19 and 22 years and 64,928 between 23 and 26 years. In this
study, the probabilistic sample was of 4,479 young people and the surveyed
population was of 4,559 young people. They belonged to the 27 municipalities
of Caldas and were determined proportionally based on the population
of each municipality. This study allows to evidence the thinking of young people, their interests, motivations, and viewpoints related to politics, their perception of the country, and political parties and movements. It also analyzes the level of information about laws and institutions related to these people and the opportunities young people can get from them. The development of each subtopic is distributed based on: 1) age and gender, 2) subregions, and 3) occupations or professions and geographical location. This information allows a first description and, from which, some conceptual approaches to the topics are proposed. Finally, general conclusions derived from the information given by young people are drawn.

How to Cite

Castillo García, J. R. (2016). Criteria of young people about the political participation in caldas state. ÁNFORA, 18(30), 63–86.


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Political participation of youth, interest in politics, viewpoints about political parties and movements participation in elections, knowledge about laws related to them.

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