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Gabriel Eduardo Escobar Arias Rubén Darío Arango Álvarez


Objective: to determine a suitable system of amortization for MSMEs available resources of the commercial sector of Manizales.

Methodology: a survey was applied to 301 MSMEs at random and to 15 financial organizations of Manizales (Colombia). The research process included three phases, namely, identification of enterprises, implementation of the survey with different variables regarding the demand or the offer of monetary resources, interest rates, installation times and amounts for credit and economic benefits of MSMEs. A later survey was applied to the group of underwriters, that is, all financial institutions that grant resources. Finally, it was queried about the structure of interest rates for particular cases and how risks are identified and measured in such enterprises.

Results: regarding MSMEs, results showed that there are difficulties when obtaining financing resources and if granted, they are used improperly. A tiered system of amortization where credit taker may have more flexibility in cash flows according to periodic payments.

Conclusions: in cases where there is an important relationship between the provider and the entrepreneur, charging for credit tends to be reduced to the extent that this relationship is longer, even in these cases, fewer request or guarantees are required to backup those credits.

How to Cite

Escobar Arias, G. E., & Arango Álvarez, R. D. (2016). Funding for MSMEs resources in the commercial sector of Manizales. ÁNFORA, 23(40), 149–165.


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Financing, Medium and Small Enterprises, Resources, Systems of amortization.

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