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Francisco Longa


Objective: to analyze the experience of the Evita Movement in Argentina in order to understand the meanings that the movement builds around the notion of 'youth',  and the access and restrictions of such youth to the structures of the movement. In addition, it analyzes the young people’s view of the movement with regard to the  occupation of positions in state management and the appropriation of the youth with  respect to 'Kirchnerism'.

Methodology: based on qualitative research techniques, which prioritized the conduct of in-depth interviews and field visits, the categories of 'vitality' and 'purity' were studied, as well as access to decision-making bodies for young people in the movement.

Results: while there is a consensus that young people gain space in the  movement’s structure, there are also restrictions on their access to decisionmaking bodies. This is counterbalanced by the significant percentage of legislative positions held by young people. In addition, the young people in the movement show a strong appropriation regarding 'Kirchnerism'.

Conclusions: the scenario shows access and restrictions of young people in the structures and spaces of the Evita Movement. In addition, the adhesion of young people to Kirchnerism had not so much to do with access to state positions, but with  the positive assessment of public policies promoted between 2003 and 2015 by the  national government.

How to Cite

Longa, F. (2018). Pulling the old out the window? Youth militancy and state management in the Evita Movement of Argentina (2005-2015). ÁNFORA, 25(45), 197–218.


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Social movements, Argentina

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