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León Sigifredo Ciro Ríos


This paper presents an invitation of the Mexican micro-historian Luis González y González realizes microhistories and that proposes a critical classification of different tendencies about the approaches of historians. In his book, “Nueva invitación a la microhistoria” (1982), he proposes and justifies the establishment of limits among macrohistory, Bronze history and Antiquity (micro-history). The author insists on this idea in his book Pueblo en Vilo, published in 1995.

This invitation to reconstruct microhistories is vigorous, especially now where a deification of a global view helps to justify his criticism from a local standpoint. The aim of this reflection is to highlight some epistemological and political considerations, which are needed to assure the validity of the invitation.

How to Cite

Ciro Ríos, L. S. (2017). On the purpose of “nueva invitación a la microhistoria”. ÁNFORA, 15(25), 309–315.


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Micro-History, Globalization, Approaches, Scope and Interests

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