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Eduardo Restrepo Salgado Óscar Jaime Tapasco Triviño José Armando Vidarte Claros


Objective: to establish the entrepreneurial profile of students belonging toTechnology in Agricultural Management at the University of Caldas, based on sociodemographic characteristics and skills for entrepreneurship.

Methodology:a cross-sectional descriptive study, with a comparative phase was conducted. 78 students were used for the study. The systematization was performed in SPSS program, version 11.5; univariate and bivariate analysis were carried out to establish possible relationships between variables. Chi square and phi tests were used to determine statistical significance.

Results: it was found that the divergence between genders in terms of attitudes for entrepreneurship was highlighted; women are more competent in business processes, taking into account skills such as communication, interpersonal relationships, ability to withstand difficulties and failures, as well as tolerance to accept others’ points of view. On the other hand, men are more competent delegating roles, being leaders, defining short and long-term strategies, transforming and improving products and services. Both genders can develop skills for entrepreneurship.

Conclusions: students have medium and high levels of the skills required by a successful entrepreneur, such as leadership, discipline, self-control, ability to interact with others, responsibility, among others. However, there are also shortcomings in the development of activities with high levels of risk and uncertainty.

How to Cite

Restrepo Salgado, E., Tapasco Triviño, Óscar J., & Vidarte Claros, J. A. (2016). Entrepreneurial profile of students belonging to Technology in Agricultural Management - University of Caldas. ÁNFORA, 23(41), 87–106.


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Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Innovation, Profile.

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