Learning in Deaf Adults. The Importance of Understanding Deaf Culture in Contemporary Methods
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Objective: Learning is a constant process in human beings. This paper reviews the relationship between learning methods of deaf adults and the respect held for their culture in several countries of the world. Methodology: Scientific papers in Spanish and English over the last five years were reviewed. From 244 articles, 19 were chosen for their relevance to the research goal. Results: Results were grouped by topics of interest in deaf adult learning. Five neural methods were found, four validated in hearing people and tested in deaf adults, five serious games, three methods using technology, and two learning methods according to participants' cognitive abilities. Conclusions: Nineteen papers observed that there are professionals from all areas interested in this issue; in addition, there is a growing interest in learning about the deaf culture. There is a need to research further on the results of the methods in social and/or working contexts to improve the inclusion of this population.
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Learning method, adult learning, cultural minority, deaf, culture
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