Retraction Policy

Process for identifying and addressing allegations of research misconduct

ÁNFORA journal applies procedures in the publication to avoid misleading editorial or academic practices. It also adopts retraction guidelines for readers’ complaints or authors’ corrections. Additionally, each manuscript is subjected to an anti-plagiarism check and the accuracy of the sources cited is verified.

Authors are responsible for the corrections and must state them when deemed necessary. Ánfora Editorial Board is in charge of evaluating the relevance, timing of publication and placement in the pages of the journal.

The process is as follows:

Retraction is a legal, scientific and editorial act through which an author or institution cancels, reduces, rectifies or renounces previously issued information. Retraction is a right granted to natural or legal persons and, at the same time, it constitutes an obligation when a claim is made by third parties

When an article raises the possibility of partially or totally clarifying or annulling all or part of the information, the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales establishes the following guidelines for retraction:

  1. The Editorial Board of Ánfora journal will verify the falsity of the information and will establish the authors’ responsibility for it.
  2. The retraction request can come from any natural or legal person, in the country or abroad, and must be sent to
  3. If the complaint comes from a third party, it will be made known to the author so that they may resolve it and abide by Ánfora’s retraction criteria.
  4. Authors will have 15 days to send a reply to the Editorial Board at this e-mail address: and state whether or not they accept the requested retraction.
  5. Authors may also spontaneously request the publication of a retraction when they deem it necessary.
  6. The Editorial Board will review the request and the clarifying nature of the retraction to assess its publication and placement in the journal.
  7. The Editorial Board will take into account the authors’ rights and obligations to retract.
  8. If the inclusion of a retraction is authorized, it will be made in the issue following the date of approval.