Guidelines for Authors

Guidelines for authors

Presentation of text, length, and form of articles: The manuscripts to be published in ANFORA journal must comply with the following requirements:

  1. The maximum length of manuscripts is 8,000 words in Arial 11 point font with line spacing of 1.5. The page margins must be 2.5 cm. The manuscript references must be in accordance with American Psychological Association (APA) standards, seventh edition.

References formatting:

Book: Surname, initials (Year). Title: Editorial.

-Goleman, D. (2000). La inteligencia emocional. Ediciones B.


-Giraldo, M., Calvo, J. A. & Marín, A. (2012). ). Estudio sobre periodismo. Ánfora, 18(31), 113-130. Universidad Autónoma de Manizales.

Book Chapter:

-Giraldo, A. (2012) Study on economy. In I I. Yepes (coord.). La comunicación social en el s. xx (pp. 113-130). Editorial zz

If the original book, article or book chapter is taken from the internet, add the site of consultation:

-Flórez, J.A. (2018) ) Fundamentos y consecuencias del falibilismo peirceano. In J. Trujillo (ed.). El pragmatismo de C.S. Peirce. Comunidad, realismo y verdad (pp. 127-142). Editorial Universidad del Valle. Universidad del Valle Publisher. file:///C:/Users/Jorge%20A.%20Florez%20R/Downloads/PragmatismoPeirceComunidadRealismoVerdad2018.pdf.

  1. The structure of the paper must contain four sections: Introduction, methods, results, and conclusions.

-Introduction: Mentions the state of the field knowledge that led the research, the problem, basic objectives, the background, and the importance of the proposal.

-Methodology: Includes the processes that led to the results obtained. Must include design, population, procedures, techniques, and ways of processing information to obtain the results and conclusions.

-Results: This part of the manuscript should show the findings and their relationship to the objectives.

-Conclusions: Include the authors’ reflections on the inferences drawn from the results, the theoretical implications based on what was intended to be achieved through the objectives, and issues raised from current theories on the subject.

  1. All manuscripts should present initial information as a cover page, which should be included on the first pages and should contain the following:

Title and data of the author and institution:

Title should be short, no more than 15 words, and directly related to the topic. It must have a footnote on the page briefly indicating the research, its state, if it is completed or in process, a starting date and completion date, and/or date of completion, an institution that supports, finances, and runs it, the financing agreements, and the corresponding contract number with the date.

The author’s name with a footnote briefly indicating the professional title and the highest academic title, the institution where the author works, the city, the country, and email.

Abstract: This will present the content of the manuscript and state the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions in text from 200 to 500 words.

Translation: When the manuscript has been approved for publication, the journal is responsible for translating the abstract and key words into English and Portuguese.

Keywords: A maximum of five (5) terms can be included as subject descriptors of the issue of the manuscript that correspond to a thesaurus recognized by the scientific community.

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Review Information for Authors