Aims & Scope


The journal ÁNFORA is a biannual scientific publication with a regional, national, and international scope, released in January-June/July-December. This open-access journal is assigned an L-ISSN: 0121-6538 and an e-ISSN: 2248-6941, and it receives support from the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales.

Ánfora aims to disseminate research results, reviews, and interdisciplinary reflections within the areas of human sciences as defined by the OECD. This dissemination serves to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, opinions, and diverse socio-cultural perspectives. The target audience for this publication includes researchers, teachers, students, and professionals in related disciplines. The journal actively encourages the submission of interdisciplinary research that interprets and addresses current issues from various perspectives within the established areas.

The peer review process at Ánfora is double-blind, ensuring a rigorous evaluation of manuscripts. All accepted manuscripts are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Manuscripts highly specialized in a specific area may not be selected for publication; this decision is made by the technical team of Ánfora with the support of the external scientific and editorial committee. Ánfora welcomes original manuscripts in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Since 2019, all manuscripts are translated into English, and original submissions in English accepted for publication are translated into Spanish. This initiative aims to enhance the dissemination of research on a global scale.

As an Open Access journal, Ánfora does not impose charges for publication, translation, or reading


Challenges facing the humanities in the 21st century.

Ethnic and cultural diversity

Human rights

Quality of life and public policy, politics and power relationships

Ethics and morality in human collectives

Living standards and livelihoods

Creativity, innovation, competitiveness, and sustainability

Regional development, social responsibility, and social and population dynamics

Communication, information, and socio-cultural impact

Social conflicts

Arts & Humanities

The history of the human condition, organization, the institutionalization processes of imaginary collectives, and social representations


The ÁNFORA journal, affiliated with the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales in Colombia, serves as a platform wherein the national and international scientific communities converge to engage with the dynamic landscape of human sciences. Its mission is to make substantive academic contributions that foster scientific reflection and facilitate the comprehensive development of society.

Creative Commons Licence

The ÁNFORA journal publishes articles biannually, presenting findings from research, reviews, and reflections covering the aforementioned topics. Published articles are exempt from Article Processing Charges (APC), signifying that authors are not required to make any payments. They are published under the guidelines of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

This licensing framework is governed by the following terms:

Attribution: Proper credit must be given to the work, including a link to the license, and acknowledgment if modifications have been made. This attribution should be done in a reasonable manner that does not imply endorsement by the licensor.

NonCommercial: The material cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Share Alike: If the material is remixed, transformed, or used to create new content, the resulting contribution must be distributed under the same license as the original work.

There are no additional restrictions imposed. Legal terms or technological measures that could legally hinder others from utilizing the material in ways permitted by the license are not permissible.