Digital natives in virtual communities: an analysis of interaction and sociability of argentinian adolescents on social networking websites
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This paper attempts to show some reflections about Internet as a a means of
expression and community creation among adolescents. Our analysis will be
based on how the web 2.0 proposes new forms of interaction and becomes
a meeting point. Among adolescents, the most spread use of Internet is the
communicative one. MSN messenger, blogs and social networks emerge as
the most favorite forms of social interaction. Due to the weakening of traditional institutions such as family and school, the group of pairs and new technologies overcome as a means of sociability. Virtual communities play an increasingly greater role in the construction of the subjectivity of modern youth, the so-called “digital natives” generation. Thus, we will explore the way in which adolescents appropriate technologies and will reflect about the sociability generated or yielded through virtual communities in which adolescents interact with others.
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Web 2.0, adolescents, virtual communities, social networks, sociability.
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