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Luis Fernando Sánchez Jaramillo


Objectives. This paper aims to analyze territory dynamics based on the set theory and game theory from three different perspectives. Firstly, it is seen from the appropriation of space and the meaning given by the societies; secondly, from the regulation of space oriented to the human benefit and from the regulation of good living practices within the territory, and thirdly, from the building of frontiers as a space of the otherness.

Methodology. It examines the problem of migrations from the set theory and game theory perspective to analyze strategies and consequences of mobilities of migrant groups.

Results. Based on this analysis, it is realized that the social dynamics, with or against nature, becomes a game in which various powers meet. These powers generate, in turn, conflicts where social mobilities take place towards other game fields, other territories. There dynamics have other rules that not always respect their identities and the traditions of minor societies or those of the new societies.

Conclusions. The analyses of case reports/studies by experts based on the set theory and game theory perspective show the way how human communities settle after continuous displacements. There exists an agreement on the fact that territorial relations are dynamic, that borders are permanently modified, and that mobilities have been a fact all along human history. It is then possible to recur to elements of the abovementioned theories to better observe and analyze this dynamics.

How to Cite

Sánchez Jaramillo, L. F. (2016). Set Theory and Game Theory within the Migration Framework. ÁNFORA, 18(31), 123–140.


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Territory, environment, frontiers, migrations.

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