Migration in Colombia: psychosocial factors and transnational links
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Objective: To identify and analyze the narratives of Colombian migrants and their relatives regarding their transnational experience.
Methodology: a qualitative and quantitative research method (mixed approach) was used. Surveys and interviews were conducted with migrants and their relatives. Subsequently, from a perspective that privileges the “discourse” and “subjectivity” of the participants, a comprehensive approach to their narratives was carried out in order to interpret their knowledge, experiences and perceptions. The categories of analysis were psychosocial characteristics and family ties. The reason for the priority of this subject matter is the lack of analysis found in the state of the art with respect to life, experiences and the subjective world of the participants in the migration phenomenon.
Results: Within the main “psychosocial characteristics”, a deeper insight was gained into topics such as motivation to migrate, support networks, risks, fears, feelings and emotions. Regarding “family ties”, it was possible to establish the main changes, disruptions, redistributions of power, new occurrences, tensions and consequences.
Conclusions: Ambivalences regarding both the purposes and the transfers and changes in feelings and emotions prevail. Answers range from maximum idealization of the migration process to understanding its realistic and dramatic effects. Not only do the participants’ family structures and relationships change but their perception also becomes more positive over time and with the achievement of their proposed objectives. The “pragmatic” and positive perspective that participants showed about this phenomenon has been reconfirmed as in other studies, despite the traditionally negative interpretations.
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Migration, family relationships, family ties, psychosocial factors.
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