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Eliana Yulieth Ramírez Cardona Jaime Alberto Restrepo Soto


Objective: to describe and understand the roles of women in the world of soccer and its fan bases in relation to female and male conceptions.

Methodology: a qualitative method, where interviews were used in order to collect data to be analyzed through matrices. The unit of analysis was the soccer`s social world. This unit was divided into the following categories Gender: male and female, bodies, subjectivities and movements, identities and consistency, stigmas, emblems, territorialities, rhythms, rituals, symbolism. Times: chronological, social, emotional, emotional movement, social order, rationalities. Equally, this data was collected through open interviews and recorded by observation in a field diary where these tools served as instruments. The population consisted of young groups of fans who were organized in focal groups.

Results: the inclusion of women was evident in the soccer world. There are women soccer fans, women soccer players and women who take part in the fan experience; however, it was also established that in other areas of this social world of soccer, women are still pushed into the background.

Conclusions: women are an important part of the fan base, nevertheless, the soccer custom, despite the efforts from some sectors of society, continues being relevant only for men.

How to Cite

Ramírez Cardona, E. Y., & Restrepo Soto, J. A. (2018). The role of women: a sociocultural perspective in the soccer phenomenon. ÁNFORA, 25(44), 157–176.


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Soccer, Women and development, Male stereotypes.

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