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Miriam Nava Zazueta Blas Valenzuela Camacho


Objective: to explain the collective action that fostered the recovery of the Historical Center of Mazatlan as a cultural and recreation site for the local society and the subsequent governance system that promoted its conversion into a tourist destination.

Methodology: under a qualitative approach, the theoretical conceptualization was articulated with regards to collective action, the governance system and its impact on the economic performance of the places. Through the analysis of the historical documents, this process is explained and it is enriched with the narrative of key informant interviews. From the information, the actions and decisions were able to revitalize the area and the dynamics that incorporated the region into being tourist destination are explained.

Results: it was found that the community assumed this area as a common and essential good for its identity, leaving the tourist industry out of this movement. Once the area was recovered, the common dynamic promoted, incidentally, an area that has become an icon of the locality and part of the tourist product.

Conclusions: the Collective action that promoted the recovery of the old town was motivated by non-economic objectives. The cluster of companies fostered a governance system that incorporated the area to the tourist offer destination as a strategy to improve its competitiveness in the markets. Mazatlan is offered as “the only sun and sand destination with a Historical Center which is Patrimony of the Nation”.

How to Cite

Nava Zazueta, M., & Valenzuela Camacho, B. (2016). Collective action and governance of the Historical Center of Mazatlan, Mexico. Recovery and conversion of the area into a tourist site. ÁNFORA, 21(36), 125–148.


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Collective action, Governance, Tourist site, Historical Center.

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