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Julián Alí Laboy Rodríguez José Antonio Maldonado Martinez


Objetive: this paper aims to determine the contributions of recent research on language from a sociocultural perspective.

Methodology: a thematic content analysis was performed based on preestablished categories: internal language, teaching types, bilingualism, and other emerging categories: games and practical participation. Psych Info, EBSCO, JSTOR and RedALyC were the sources of information and 38 published research articles were selected from indexed journals since 2010.

Results: from the sociocultural perspective, it was evident that, these studies contribute to a diversity of issues related to language, such as: practical participation, the process of change from a guided to an internal language, the importance of games in development, the benefits of explicit teaching, and the impact of learning a second language.

Conclusions: it is concluded that some topics will seem to be studied in abundance but not from a Sociocultural Theory perspective. The human being is a product of different social, cultural and individual contexts; thus, there will always be different approaches to address issues related to language.

How to Cite

Laboy Rodríguez, J. A., & Maldonado Martinez, J. A. (2017). Study of the language from a sociocultural perspective. ÁNFORA, 24(43), 17–38.


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Language; Sociocultural approach; Effects

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