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Jahír Rodríguez Rodríguez


This work meditates on the department of the Risaralda: their creation, their origins, the paper of the State, that of the political forces, the unions and, ultimately, the triangular relationship that settled down with reason of the movement autonomist among Statepolitics- unions.

The central purpose of this inquiry is to identify the reasons for which arrived to the disintegration of the department of Caldas and later on to the creation of the department of Risaralda, it is to investigate for
the interests that moved after that “civic interest” with which it cohesion and it activated the political will of the citizens of Risaralda.

Does this investigation respond to the question, ¿were they or not negotiated the municipalities of the Risaralda?. ¿up to where the popular will was consulted in the municipalities originally inscribed in the project? ¿Do participated the citizenship in the process of autonomy?; in short, is it develar the real interests that motivated the process.

The investigative work stands out in clear way which was the paper of the social, political and economic actors committed in the autonomous process and which the interests that defended. In short, ¿how many municipalities did it contemplate the Original Project?, ¿how many were they finally with Risaralda?, ¿how was it negotiated the municipal problem politically do.? These questions guide our reflection.

Doesn't have more than enough to notice that although in this work it is appealed to the history, we make it in the perspective of to understand and to transform the present. A present that by the way, every time more complex and more contradictory restitution. It has more than enough to indicate that along the investigation, the economy was linked with the politics; both with the national legislation and all with the epicentre of our concerns: the man, the social being, the citizen of the department and of the country.

How to Cite

Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. (2017). A propósito del centenario de Caldas: la creación del departamento de Risaralda. ÁNFORA, 13(20), 17–65.


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Department, Autonomy, Political parties, Political leaders, Political class, Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda, To be able to electoral, Coffee politics

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