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María del Carmen Vergara Quintero Diana Yulieth Perea Vargas


Objective: to identify and interpret dropping out factors of Plan Estudia students in 2008-2009, and the reasons why they did not enroll in any academic program of a private university in Manizales in 2010.

Methodology: the study was conducted within a mixed research approach to a descriptive scope. The identification cards of students provided by the academic registry office, survey and in-depth interview with un-enrolled students of the Plan Estudia program were used as data collection techniques to triangulate information. Population consisted of 180 students who dropped out before completing their studies, 77 of them were located for the study. The SPSS program and Atlas Ti were used to systematize the data. The former was used for the survey and the later for the interview. The 4 determinant factors in this issue: socioeconomic, individual, academic and institutional factors were taken into account for the analysis.

Results: it was showed that the order of predominant causes of dropout is the socioeconomic, the personal, the academic and the less influential is related to Institutional factors.

Conclusions: the causes of dropping out are varied; therefore, they correspond to a comprehensive phenomenon in which institutions shall generate academic and administrative differentiated strategies to achieve the goal of education, retention, graduation and the incorporation of their graduates within labor market.

How to Cite

Vergara Quintero, M. del C., & Perea Vargas, D. Y. (2016). Students dropping out of the Plan Estudia Program at a private university in Manizales, Caldas, Colombia. 2008-2009. ÁNFORA, 21(37), 61–80.


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Dropping out, Higher Education, Academic Programs

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