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Jahir Rodríguez Rodríguez


The increasing globalization trend we live in, as most economic and social phenomena, has positive and negative consequences. In this context, the actions of multilateral development institutions, which have been getting more protagonism these days, are focused.

Multiple initiatives have been undertaken by these institutions, brought about in the Millenium Summit and the Sustainable Development World Summit, the Millenium Development Goals are highly important because of its ambitious agenda for the solution to the main and most serious problems of humankind.

Our reflections are based on the Millenium Development Goals and their relation to sustainable development and urban development. Also, we review the evolution of these goals and the main deficiencies or needs in terms of their completion before their meeting point set out for the year 2015.

How to Cite

Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. (2017). Millenium development goals and sustainable development. ÁNFORA, 15(25), 247–261.


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Millenium development goals, poverty, sustainable development, urbanization

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