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Cristian José Arias Barrera Juan Felipe Prada Hernández


Objective: the study aims to analyze the determinants of economic growth of the department of Huila from 1980 to 2014, mainly to analyze the coffee sector as one of the main contributors.

Methodology: an explanatory and correlational research, a descriptive statistical analysis and development of an econometric model combination of crosscut was conducted. For this purpose, data from the coffee sector and gross domestic product were used to explain variations in GDP in the department of Huila in relation to the fluctuations of explanatory variables.

Results: the findings revealed that the agricultural sector accounts for about 17% of the department GDP from the evaluated period. It also emerged that this contribution is closely related to increases or decreases in the coffee GDP.

Conclusions: the importance of the coffee sector in generating growth in the economy in the department of Huila is due to the application of technology and continuous improvement of human capital. Manufacturing, trading and electricity sectors have not had a significant contribution to economic growth.

How to Cite

Arias Barrera, C. J., & Prada Hernández, J. F. (2017). The Coffee production and its impact on economic growth in the department of Huila (Colombia). ÁNFORA, 24(42), 45–66.


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economic growth, Production technology.

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