Neologisms and linguistic loanwords in the Venezuelan press 2011-2012: a linguistic-cultural approach
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Objective: to identify neologisms and linguistic loanwords as lexical items of mediation between two cultures in the Venezuelan press between 2011-2012. Similarly, this aims at building a lexicographical inventory with the neologisms and linguistic loanwords
Methodology: the lexical phenomena were collected, identified and described by using the lexicographical method and the neologism and linguistic loanword verification, in addition to this, a relationship was established between the two cultures from their use. The corpus comes from newspaper sources, in this particular case the Venezuelan press between 2011-2012.
Results: a set of neologisms were collected (estandupero,-a buena vibra, imparable among others) and linguistic loanwords (team work, dogout, baby gym) that relate two different cultures. These also work as an approach, mediation and appropriation of different realities, due to the use and adoption of such phenomena. A lexicographical inventory was consolidated as a cultural artifact that reports and shows the lexical peculiarities that were analyzed: neologisms and linguistic loanwords.
Conclusion: it is concluded that neologisms and linguistic loanwords mediate and relate the two cultures. Also, they enrich the communication processes, as these new words and / or lexical items are introduced and adapted in a language conversion system, calque or invention of form.
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Neologismos, Lingüística, Interculturalidad
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