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Zayra Urdinola Hincapié Juan Guillermo Vallejo Ángel Jahir Rodríguez Rodríguez


Tuluá - Cartago and its regional urban corridor is made up of the municipalities of Tuluá, Andalucía, Bugalagrande, Zarzal, La Victoria, Obando and Cartago. Tuluá and Cartago constitute the poles of tension. They are the two dominant urban centers of the corridor and effect a natural influence over the surrounding municipalities. Tuluá and Cartago become commercial and agroindustrial nodes, which provide educational, financial, and health services. In the municipality of Zarzal (La Paila), the Cauca River, railroads and highways merge and interconnect the main centers of production and consumption in the central and northwest of Colombia with that of the southwest of Colombia and the Buenaventura seaport.

There are just a few collective working experiences that deal with the purpose of strengthening an integrated perspective planning and collective vision of the subregion, which indicates an institutional weakness to leading processes and regional development initiatives. Furthermore, there is the proposal of having Valle del Cauca adopt and operate a formal planning and management of regional development. This would identify, recognize and describe the planning and management tools used by institutional entities. Also, it would develop a map of Actors to identify their relationships and areas of participation. Moreover, it would identify the urban facts and projects to articulate development. Finally, the proposal attempts to design a methodological proposal for the operation of a Round Table for Planning and Management of the regional urban corridor Tuluá – Cartago, within the framework of the Act 614 of 2000. This enables the creation of the Territorial Integration Committees, as entities to establish mechanisms of integration, coordination and harmonization of the various competent bodies in terms of territorial planning for the implementation of land use plans and regional development.

How to Cite

Urdinola Hincapié, Z., Vallejo Ángel, J. G., & Rodríguez Rodríguez, J. (2016). Urban dynamics in the corridor of Tuluá – Cartago: A Proposal of Regional Integration. ÁNFORA, 16(26), 89–110.


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Regional development, territory, planning, management, integration

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