Construction of Signed Speeches by Deaf University Students
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Objective: This article aims to analyze the construction of signed speeches by Deaf university students (users of sign language) based on teaching systematization in the deepening cycle of Strengthening Colombian Sign Language (CSL) as a subject, between 2010 and 2020. The goal of this subject is to provide students with the tools to develop and enhance metalinguistic and metacognitive skills for creating academic discourses in CSL. Methodology: a qualitative approach was adopted. Analytical programs of the subject, in-depth interviews with the teacher in charge and papers by the students were analyzed. This analysis identified patterns and issues in CSL teaching. Results: the concept of visual text is introduced in Sign Language (SL) as an alternative to written text, essential in the context of the subject. In addition, theoretical foundations from metalinguistics and metacognition are established, and five didactic strategies to foster these skills in students are detailed. Conclusions:The importance of continuously strengthening metalinguistic processes in deaf students in order to improve their academic performance in higher education is emphasized, highlighting the need to generate specific teaching alternatives.
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deaf education, sign language, higher education, cognition
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