Corporate Social Responsibility and Legal Mandates: A Systematic Literature Review
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Objective: The growing demand for ethical behavior in businesses by stakeholders has been addressed through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Normatively, CSR is practiced under hard law or soft law, which incentivize social responsibility without requiring legislation. Recently, several countries have enacted laws on CSR, traditionally voluntary, although the literature shows academic skepticism about the effectiveness of mandatory laws due to contextual and axiological differences in CSR practice. Methodology: A systematic literature review of 148 scientific documents was conducted to discuss whether CSR should be understood as a legal mandate or voluntary action. Results: A relationship is evident between mandatory non- inancial reporting and legitimacy, control, corporate performance, and innovation. Additionally, arguments are made in favor of maintaining CSR as a moral obligation rather than a legal requirement. Conclusions: The main findings indicate that companies should reconcile their interests with those of their stakeholders based on axiological principles that transcend legal mandates. This document has academic, business, and legal implications, providing insights for reconciling axiological and legal considerations.
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corporate social responsibility, voluntary, law, mandatory, reporting
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