The Relationship Between Culture and Cognition: New Perspectives on Old Problems
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Objective: The objective of this reflective article is to provide a general overview of the theories and approaches that have addressed the relationship between cognition and culture, from classical models to more recent ones, to discuss the relevance of contemporary ecocultural frameworks and their application in studies on intercultural contexts. Methodology: This article begins with a historical review of cognitive anthropological theories and their articulation with cultural and differential psychology, based on the notion of cognitive style in the Field Dependence-Independence dimension (FDI). Results: The scientific implications of analyzing cultural and individual differences in isolation are discussed, and it is proposed to revisit ecocultural models from crosscultural psychology to address the complexity of cognitive phenomena. Conclusions: In conclusion, the enormous potential of the ecocultural model in describing cultural influences on cognition is highlighted, using style as an indicator of individual cognitive
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cognition, culture, cognitive styles, ecocultural model, intercultural studies
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