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Anyerson Stiths Gómez Tabares
Jainer Alberto Amézquita Londoño
David Antonio Pineda-Salazar


Objective: To review scientific literature in which controlled cognitive tasks and recording of neurological activity are utilized to evaluate face recognition ability, considering the "other-race effect" (ORE). Methodology: Reflection article, whose methodology is based on a literature review; 15 studies were included for meta-synthesis. Results: It was found that subjective-recollection controlled cognitive tasks, electroencephalography technique, and event-related potentials predominate in face recognition research, considering the ORE. It was also found that oxytocin has no influence on face memory, and that difficulties in recognizing other-race blurred faces correlate with the activation of the fusiform face area (FFA). Conclusions: Neural processing of other-race faces requires more effort, evidenced by larger N250 amplitude, and it is related to N170 component. Furthermore, own-race face recognition is prolonged when these are inverted. of Other-race face processing may be increased by instruction, whereas anger does not improve other-race face memory. This review confirms that both neurophysiology and cultural factors play a crucial role in face recognition and suggests that ORE may be produced by the interaction between these factors.

How to Cite

Gómez Tabares, A. S., Amézquita Londoño, J. A., & Pineda-Salazar, D. A. (2024). Face recognition and cultural variability: A systematic review of empirical evidence and evaluation measures. ÁNFORA, 31(57), 299–325.


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face recognition, other-race effect (ORE), controlled cognitive tasks, electroencephalography (EEG), cultural neuroscience, (obtained from the thesaurus DeCS/MeSH – Health Science Descriptors)

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