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Pablo Chaverri
Itziar Fernández


Objective: This study analyzes the relationship between inequality aversion and conformist and non-conformist social norms in exploring their influence on resource distribution decisions among Costa Rican adolescents. Methodology: This quasiexperimental cross-sectional study was conducted with a Costa Rican sample (N = 285, mean age = 13.4 years, SD = .64, 51.4% female). The study focused on the influence of conformist and non-conformist social norms on decision- making in the face of inequality, through an economic interdependence game (Ultimatum Game - UG) in a work-for-pay version. Additionally, the study explored the relationship between these norms and horizontal and vertical individualist-collectivist cultural orientations, sociodemographic variables, and inequality aversion. Results: The induction of norms did not significantly affect participants' decisions in the UG. There was a negative relationship between household size and inequality aversion. Conclusions: These results suggest that inequality aversion and preference for equality are stronger than the situational influence of conformist and non-conformist social norms on decisionmaking in the face of inequality. 

How to Cite

Chaverri, P., & Fernández, I. (2025). Inequality Aversion and Social Norms in Resource Distribution by Costa Rican Adolescents. ÁNFORA, 32(58), 263–289.


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social norms, inequality aversion, cultural orientation, conformism, priming, Ultimatum Game

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