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Hedilberto Granados-López
Diego Andrés Álvarez Polo


Objective: This paper reports the findings of a regulation task and communication during the development and execution of collaborative tasks in both high- and low-performing groups. Methodology: A qualitative and interpretative approach with a multiple-case study design was employed (Yin, 2006). The study examined interaction episodes related to the social regulation of tasks and communication captured in video recordings. The study involved the participation of first-semester students pursuing
an online master’s degree in education in the city of Manizales, Colombia (n= 15). Participants were organized into five spontaneously formed groups. Results: Findings revealed differences in both task regulation and communication. This promoted an understanding of the group dynamics concerning task regulation and communication and their influence on academic success. Conclusions: High-performing groups
demonstrated task regulation and communication features, offering insights into academic success and the development of genuinely collaborative tasks.

How to Cite

Granados-López, H., & Álvarez Polo, D. A. (2024). Task Regulation and Communication of High- and -Low- performing Groups during the Execution of Collaborative Tasks. ÁNFORA, 31(57), 173–196.


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collaborative learning, task regulation, communication regulation , (UNESCO Thesaurus of Educational Psychology).

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