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José Armando Vidarte Claros Consuelo Vélez Álvarez Oscar Hernán Moscoso Ariza Francia Restrepo de Mejía


This document consists of three steps. Firstly, some conceptual aspects about motor skills and cognition are stated. Secondly, the aspects about the disorders of the motor development and their relations with the cognitive processes are showed, specially dealing with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Finally, some neurophysiological implications in psychomotor development disorders are developed and possible relations between the motor skills and ADHD are stated.

How to Cite

Vidarte Claros, J. A., Vélez Álvarez, C., Moscoso Ariza, O. H., & Restrepo de Mejía, F. (2016). Motor skills and cognition in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd). ÁNFORA, 17(28), 125–150.


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Cognition, Movement Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Motor Skills, Psychomotor Profile.

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