



The journal ÁNFORA is a biannual scientific publication with a regional, national, and international scope, released in January-June/July-December. This open-access journal is assigned an L-ISSN: 0121-6538 and an e-ISSN: 2248-6941, and it receives support from the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales.

Ánfora aims to disseminate research results, reviews, and interdisciplinary reflections within the areas of human sciences as defined by the OECD. This dissemination serves to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, opinions, and diverse socio-cultural perspectives. The target audience for this publication includes researchers, teachers, students, and professionals in related disciplines. The journal actively encourages the submission of interdisciplinary research that interprets and addresses current issues from various perspectives within the established areas.

The peer review process at Ánfora is double-blind, ensuring a rigorous evaluation of manuscripts. All accepted manuscripts are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) https://doi.org/10.30854/anf. Manuscripts highly specialized in a specific area may not be selected for publication; this decision is made by the technical team of Ánfora with the support of the external scientific and editorial committee. Ánfora welcomes original manuscripts in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Since 2019, all manuscripts are translated into English, and original submissions in English accepted for publication are translated into Spanish. This initiative aims to enhance the dissemination of research on a global scale.

As an Open Access journal, Ánfora does not impose charges for publication, translation, or reading


Challenges facing the humanities in the 21st century.

Ethnic and cultural diversity

Human rights

Quality of life and public policy, politics and power relationships

Ethics and morality in human collectives

Living standards and livelihoods

Creativity, innovation, competitiveness, and sustainability

Regional development, social responsibility, and social and population dynamics

Communication, information, and socio-cultural impact

Social conflicts

Arts & Humanities

The history of the human condition, organization, the institutionalization processes of imaginary collectives, and social representations


The ÁNFORA journal, affiliated with the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales in Colombia, serves as a platform wherein the national and international scientific communities converge to engage with the dynamic landscape of human sciences. Its mission is to make substantive academic contributions that foster scientific reflection and facilitate the comprehensive development of society.

Creative Commons Licence

The ÁNFORA journal publishes articles biannually, presenting findings from research, reviews, and reflections covering the aforementioned topics. Published articles are exempt from Article Processing Charges (APC), signifying that authors are not required to make any payments. They are published under the guidelines of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

This licensing framework is governed by the following terms:

Attribution: Proper credit must be given to the work, including a link to the license, and acknowledgment if modifications have been made. This attribution should be done in a reasonable manner that does not imply endorsement by the licensor.

NonCommercial: The material cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Share Alike: If the material is remixed, transformed, or used to create new content, the resulting contribution must be distributed under the same license as the original work.

There are no additional restrictions imposed. Legal terms or technological measures that could legally hinder others from utilizing the material in ways permitted by the license are not permissible.




The Ánfora Journal welcomes manuscripts derived from research, reviews, and reflections on an ongoing basis, facilitated through the electronic editorial manager, the Open Journal System (OJS): http://publicaciones.autonoma.edu.co. The journal also periodically issues calls for dossiers, often curated by experts serving as guest editors.

Authors intending to submit manuscripts are encouraged to adhere to the specified template formats: research article, reflection article, and review article. Detailed guidelines for authors are available for review to ensure compliance with the journal's standards.

Should any challenges arise during the submission process, authors are invited to contact us at anfora@autonoma.edu.co



In alignment with the commitment to fostering inclusivity in knowledge dissemination, Ánfora Journal adheres to a policy of not imposing any monetary charges for the submission, review, corrections, translation, publication, and reading of articles.  The Universidad Autónoma de Manizales assumes full responsibility for all editorial management processes throughout each phase, ensuring equitable access to scholarly publications.



The Editor, in collaboration with the technical editorial team of the journal, conducts a thorough review of the manuscript, assessing its relevance to the declared thematic areas and ensuring its structural adherence to the guidelines for authors. Subsequently, an examination of the manuscript's originality is conducted using anti-plagiarism software (Compilatio). The Editorial Committee then scrutinizes the content to verify its alignment with the focus and scope of the journal.

Should the manuscript meet these initial requirements, it progresses to the next stage involving a double-blind peer review. Manuscripts that do not fulfill the initial criteria are returned to the author(s), accompanied by clear reasons for non-compliance.

Upon confirmation of the manuscript's adherence to the initial requirements, it undergoes academic peer review. In instances where evaluations present contradictions, a third reviewer is appointed to ensure objectivity in the review process.



ÁNFORA Journal employs a DOUBLE-BLIND SYSTEM to assess submitted manuscripts, ensuring the quality of content and promoting dialogue within the academic and scientific communities. This methodology establishes the validity and rigor of research processes and results. Each manuscript undergoes evaluation by at least two reviewers, with a third reviewer stepping in to resolve conflicts in assessments.

In the event of contradictory evaluations, an impartial third party is enlisted to make a decisive judgment. The evaluation process is conducted directly within the Open Journal System (OJS) through an online form, providing transparency in the evaluation processes. The form includes specific criteria outlined in the Download Evaluation Format, along with details of the reviewers. 

To ensure transparency, no reviewer is affiliated with the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales.

Authors receive the evaluation results through communication initiated by the Editor via OJS. The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Assistant act as intermediaries for suggestions, corrections, and other concerns from both authors and reviewers. In cases involving guest editors, communication with authors is conducted jointly by the guest editors, the Editor-in-Chief, and the Editorial Assistant.

The evaluation process typically spans four months from the receipt of the manuscript to the referees' responses. Authors are granted a maximum of 15 days to incorporate necessary adjustments. Editorial changes during any phase are executed based on the authors' acceptance and approval.

Upon manuscript readiness, authors receive a preprint PDF for final verification before publication. ÁNFORA Journal aligns with the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), underscoring its commitment to responsible research evaluation practices



ÁNFORA Journal is dedicated to fostering continuous, unrestricted access to scientific and academic content, aiming to enhance the accessibility, visibility, and impact of research in the agricultural sector both nationally and internationally. In alignment with our commitment to Open Access dissemination, since 2019, all manuscripts undergo translation by the UAM translation team. Collaborating with a native translator and guided by the authors' input and approval, this team ensures the production of a high-quality bilingual publication.

Ánfora Journal upholds the principles governing free access to its published content. This means that our readers possess the right to read, copy, download, print, share, or link to the contents, in accordance with the terms outlined in the license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/."


Copyright Policy: Authors publishing in the journal adhere to the Creative Commons 4.0 license, specifically the code of non-commercial attribution without derivatives. All rights are attributed to the authors of the manuscripts, and they bear responsibility for the content and data services declared in their articles.

This work is licensed under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/."



It is a biannual publication of the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales (January-June / July-December). ÁNFORA Journal gathers findings from scientific research, reviews, and interdisciplinary reflections within the realm of human sciences, fostering the exchange of knowledge and opinions. The journal's target audience includes students, teachers, researchers, graduates, professionals in the social sciences, and readers engaged in this field.

ANFORA accepts articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. The emphasis of Ánfora is on publishing original research-derived texts that ensure scientific and editorial quality, coupled with national and international visibility. While the primary language of the journal is Spanish, the university's translation team, under the supervision and approval of the authors, translates all manuscripts into English for publication. Original manuscripts in English are also translated into Spanish


ÁNFORA journal adheres to the established guidelines for good publication practices set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In accordance with these guidelines, authors are expected to address the following ethical criteria:

Authors guarantee the originality of results and confirm the absence of conflicts of interest. Proper referencing of information, including citations of authors mentioned in the manuscript, is essential.

Research must adhere to bioethical norms, including obtaining approval from the bioethics committee and securing informed consent from participants. The relevant documentation, such as the bioethics committee's approval and the informed consent form, should be provided as needed.

Authors are responsible for ensuring the completion of all journal requirements, including authorship details, approval from the ethics committee, signed informed consent forms, documentation of clinical trial registration, and the provision of statements regarding conflicts of interest, in line with COPE guidelines.



Policy on retraction

Retraction is a legal, scientific, and editorial procedure through which an author or institution annuls, diminishes, rectifies, or disavows previously disseminated information. The right to retraction is afforded to both natural and legal entities and simultaneously constitutes an obligation when invoked by third parties.

When a manuscript raises the prospect of clarifying or retracting, either partially or entirely, all or part of the information, the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales has established the following mechanisms for retraction:

  1. The Editorial Committee of Ánfora journal shall diligently verify the accuracy of the information and determine the author's responsibility.
  2. Requests for retraction may be submitted by any natural or legal person, whether from within the country or beyond.
  3. If the claim originates from a third party, the author will be duly informed to address and adhere to Ánfora's retraction criteria.
  4. Authors are granted a period of 15 days to submit a response to the Committee, wherein they substantiate their acceptance or rejection of the requested retraction.
  5. Authors also retain the prerogative to voluntarily request the publication of a retraction when they deem it necessary.
  6. The Editorial Committee in collaboration with the Ethics and Bioethics Committee meticulously reviews the retraction request and its explanatory context to determine its suitability for publication and its placement within the journal.
  7. The Editorial Committee and the Ethics and Bioethics Committee duly consider the right and obligation vested in the author regarding retraction.
  8. Upon authorization for the inclusion of a retraction, it will be published in the next issue alongside the date of approval. 


ÁNFORA employs the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) system to ensure the permanence of its publications on the web. Furthermore, the ÁNFORA journal utilizes the LOCKSS system, establishing a distributed storage network among participating libraries. This system facilitates the creation of permanent archives within the journal, ensuring preservation and restoration capabilities.

ÁNFORA permits the concurrent publication of its content in self-archiving systems or institutional repositories, contingent upon the acknowledgment of origin and adherence to the stipulations outlined in the Creative Commons 4.0 license.



The journal ÁNFORA is a biannual publication (January-June/July-December) of the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales. The first edition was issued in 1993, and since then, it has been published periodically in January and July of each year. As of [current date], it is indexed in:

Indexed in

Bases de datos multidisciplinares

Multidisciplinary databases

EBSCO Academic Search Complete

EBSCO Academic Plus Source

EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate

DIALNET Scientific content publication alert service

CORE World's largest collection of open access research articles

Evaluation resources


PUBLINDEX National index of serial and scientific publications and technologies

DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals

ERIHPlus  European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences

LATINDEX  Regional On-Line Information System for Scientific Journals

RedAlyC Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

REDIB. Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge

CIRC Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals

BIBLAT Latin American Bibliography

ASCI Asian Science Citation Index


JournalTOCs The most comprehensive searchable collection of scholarly journals, tables of contents

Sherpa Romeo Online resource that aggregates and analyzes the open access policies of publishers worldwide.

Ulrischweb  a worldwide source of regular information since 1932

CLASE Latin American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities

BASE Bielefeld Academic Search engine

Journal directories & metrics

Cite Factor Server that provides indexing of major international journals and event proceedings

MIAR Matriz for information analysis Journals



Our publishing house has implemented standardized editorial management procedures for our journal, ÁNFORA, with the primary objective of elucidating the steps involved in the publication of an article and enhancing its overall credibility. Processes map


ÁNFORA is released biannually. Since 2021, the publication exclusively exists in electronic format, as the print version has been discontinued. All articles published in Ánfora are freely accessible in full text through the following link: http://publicaciones.autonoma.edu.co/index.php/anfora and are legally deposited at the National Library



Sources of income

The ÁNFORA journal is a publication generously supported by the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, both in terms of human expertise and financial resources


The ÁNFORA journal, in defense of the free circulation of knowledge and the protection of independence, refrains from accepting commercial advertising that could potentially introduce editorial conflicts of interest.


To promote equal opportunities for publication and mitigate access barriers, ÁNFORA journal adheres to a policy of not imposing any monetary fees for the submission, review, corrections, translation, or publication of articles.

All articles published by ÁNFORA are exempt from Article Processing Charges (APC), ensuring that neither the submission process, translation of accepted articles, publication, nor access to manuscript reading incur any form of payment.