Anti-Plagiarism Policy

The Editor utilizes the anti-plagiarism software Compilatio and checks if manuscript structure conforms to the authors’ guidelines. The Tecnical Editorial Board and Ethics, Bioethics and Scientist Integrity Commitee verifies that the content corresponds to the journal’s aims and scope. If the manuscripts meet the first requirements, the process continues; otherwise, they are returned to the authors.

  • Authors must guarantee that their texts are not the product of plagiarism. In Ánfora, all texts will be reviewed in the first editorial phase with the Software Compilatio, and to continue the editorial process, the approved percentage at the level of coincidence will be 9%, as long as the sources are correctly cited. If it exceeds this percentage it will be rejected.
  • In the case of manuscripts that are the product of research projects for master's and doctoral degree works, the accepted percentage is 15%, duly cited and referenced. In this case, it will be returned to the authors so that they can make the respective adjustments to the percentage. Manuscripts resulting from master's and doctoral degree works that exceed 15% will be returned to the authors to make the appropriate adjustments and not exceed the percentage previously described. Once it has been adjusted, the editorial process can continue. The other manuscripts that exceed the level of coincidence described, and which coincidence is different from that of master's and doctoral degree works, will be rejected in this phase. See Ethics Policy