Frequency of Publication and Language


It is a biannual publication of the Universidad Autónoma de Manizales (January-June / July-December). ÁNFORA Journal gathers findings from scientific research, reviews, and interdisciplinary reflections within the realm of human sciences, fostering the exchange of knowledge and opinions. The journal's target audience includes students, teachers, researchers, graduates, professionals in the human sciences, and readers engaged in this field.

ÁNFORA accepts articles in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. The emphasis of Ánfora is on publishing original research-derived texts that ensure scientific and editorial quality, coupled with national and international visibility. While the primary language of the journal is Spanish, the university's translation team, under the supervision and approval of the authors, translates all manuscripts into English for publication. Original manuscripts in English are also translated into Spanish. All manuscripts into other languagues will be translates to Spanish.