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Julieta Nicolao


Objectives: his paper aims at revealing the place that the integration process of MERCOSUR (South America Common Market) had in the definition and orientation of Argentina’s migration policy during 2003 and 2007. 

Methodology. This study was carried out by a not much explored theoretical perspective related to migration policies, especially in non-industrialized countries, which emphasizes on the strengthening of its international dimension.

Results. Since 2003 and during the four years of Mrs. Kirchner´s Presidency in Argentina, some changes in national regulatory frameworks about migratory issues were produced. These measurements account for a radical change in the migration policy of this country, which assumes an open, regionalist and a noticeable print about human rights.

Conclusion. This study shows that MERCOSUR played a main role in Argentina’s migration policy during the analyzed period. By an analysis of the explicit migration policy, that is, official discourse and relevant legislation, and the Argentinian performance of the institutional migration entities of Mercosur, it can be also concluded that the integration process has taken a particular importance on the migration policy as a result of the national policy decision of printing it a regionalist mark.

How to Cite

Nicolao, J. (2016). The Regional Integration of the Migration Policy in Argentina. ÁNFORA, 18(31), 101–122.


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migration policy, international dimension, regional integration, Argentina, MERCOSUR

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