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Yolanda González Rábago


Objective: this research paper aims at analyzing the Colombian migration policy in relation to theories of transnational agreements developed in the field of sociology of migrations. This is based on the idea that new technologies provide an infrastructure on which the countries of origin create channels of outreach and dissemination of po­licy and government institutions to the destination places, especially, to each emigrant.

Methodology: it applies a quantitative analysis of the number, type and composition of networks and users involved in the web platform RedEsColombia and discursive qualitative analysis of audiovisual information collected from this web.

Results: redEsColombia has been successful thanks to the number of registered users, whereas the impact of the relationship created by the Portal is more questionable. Likewise, the discursive axes around the Colombian policy on migration are clear, being its ultimate objective to have the emigrants contribute to the national development

Conclusions: the use of ICTs by the Colombian government seeks the dissemination and outreach of national outreach programs oriented to emigrants by creating a sense of belonging and community.

How to Cite

González Rábago, Y. (2016). Colombian Transnational Migration and Political Strategies Online. Community Reproduction through Transnational Linkages. ÁNFORA, 19(32), 69–90.


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Migration, transnational, Colombia, policies, ICT.

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