Menem, Kirchner and Government Expenditure on Education and Security
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Objectives: To analyze state education and security in Argentina from the perspective of public expenditure during the administrations of Carlos Menem (1989-1999) and Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007).
Methodology: A desk based research methodology was employed using “The Public Expenditure Series consolidated according to purpose and function (1980-2008)” of the Ministry of National Economics, updated in July 2010, as the main source. The evolution of Gross Domestic Product at constant values arises from investigator’s own calculation. Data from the years 1980 to 2008 shows the rise and fall of “neoliberalism” and the return to a state strategy and also the times of economic crises.
Results: In contrast to dominant positions on this issue, it was observed that the Argentine government did not “disappear” in the 90’s in terms of funding the analyzed expenses. In education, state expenditure has grown considerably, increasing to three times its share of the Gross Domestic Product. In contrast, defense and security has lost importance when compared to other expenditures. The “decentralization” is a phenomenon that involves both expenditures.
Conclusions: Public expenditure depends on the capacity of the state to collect it and therefore, on the overall economic situation. The analysis of periods of economic crisis and the corresponding fall in public expenditure show that there is no anti-cyclical behavior. In the long term, the state’s participation in the economy has grown, balthough it falls in times of crisis.
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State, public expenditure, education, security, crisis.
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