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Florencia Jensen


Objective: To analyze the main features of social integration and identity reconfiguration of the recent migrant community from Argentina to Santiago de Chile.

Method: The research was carried out using a qualitative approach conducted through semi-structured interviews, which allowed interaction with participants and access to narratives about their practices and perceptions of integration. The categories of analysis were three contemporary issues: identity

as a concept, identity and reconfiguration in a particular context of migration, and identity and its relationship to the processes of integration into the host society.

Results: Argentine immigrants arrive with high levels of education, are incorporated into formal employment, and have access to goods and services. However, although the community from Argentina is accepted, valued in the integration process, and assimilated in cultural terms, in this process there is a
loss of cultural identity until they reach what is known as “acculturation.” The analysis of the sociocultural dimension of integration is what allows us to observe the identity reconfiguration processes operating in the Argentine migrants. We found areas of conflict in maintaining their identity while the adoption of certain elements of the culture of the host country. In this respect, the identity reconfiguration was successful.

Conclusions: Integration is perceived by migrants as conflictive, where what remains is the acceptance of the rules and regulations of the destination country, which acts as an assimilationist model of integration.

How to Cite

Jensen, F. (2016). Identity on the Other Side of the Cordillera. Reflections on Migration, Identity and Integration. ÁNFORA, 19(33), 17–30.


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Migration, Chile, Argentina, identity, integration, perception.

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