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Juan Antonio Taguenca Belmonte


Objective: to understand, theoretically, fanaticism in the Western World by identifying and presenting their ideal types at different historical moments.

Methodology: this work is framed by the ideas of Max Weber regarding the scientific method, but developed in a comprehensive manner since it takes an interest in understanding the reality it explores through the interpretation of texts. Besides, it seeks to identify the types of ideals in order to distance from the subjectivity of values and to establish the meanings behind certain social actions of individuals historically and contextually situated.

Results: ideal types of fanaticism  were identified: transcendental, religions, holy books and metaconcepts, which explain what lies behind their invisible form in the sphere of action of the rules governing the behavior of subjects through a biased constitution, likely to be viewed from the fanaticism point of view.

Conclusions: religion in its variants studied, namely, Judaism and Christianity, as well as Hegel’s version of Secularism can take to interpretations that lead to fanaticism. Only the Kantian varian avoids falling into fanatical interpretations.

How to Cite

Taguenca Belmonte, J. A. (2016). Fanaticism: three ideal types. ÁNFORA, 20(34), 117–136.


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Fanaticism, religion, secularism, comprehensive method, ideal types

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