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Cinthia Gricell Arreola Piñón María Guadalupe Contreras Piedra María Inés Gómez del Campo del Paso


Objective: to demonstrate the effects of a Logotherapeutic experiential workshop, which aimed at redefining the meaning of life and suffering of a group of parents with missing children.

Methodology: this qualitative study was conducted in San Miguel Totolapan, municipality of the State of Guerrero (Mexico), with the participation of 4 parents (3 women and 1 man). The intervention strategy was carried out from the logotherapeutic approach, through five sessions of an experiential workshop.

Results: it was found that the participants could express their feelings with conviction. Despite their loss, they showed appreciation for the pleasant things of their lives, they expressed the desire to live and, mainly, resignified the value of family.

Conclusions: it was concluded that the interventions, that allow individuals to find a new meaning of life and overcome suffering, are beneficial in cases of missing people, since these ones help them to endure the loss

How to Cite

Arreola Piñón, C. G., Contreras Piedra, M. G., & Gómez del Campo del Paso, M. I. (2016). Effects of the logotherapeutic intervention on parents with missing children. The case of San Miguel Totolapan (Mexico). ÁNFORA, 23(40), 99–120.


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Logotherapy, Mourning, Meaning of life, Sense of Suffering.

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