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Daniel Llanos Erazo


Objective: to analyze the changes and transformations that have occurred in the socio-educational practices of indigenous youth from the Central Highlands
of Ecuador.

Methodology: this research includes quantitative and qualitative approaches
and methods. The qualitative approach predominates because of the continuous application of ethnographic approaches, which were followed with 104 communities in three provinces of the Central Highlands (Cotopaxi, Tungurahua and Chimborazo). Thematic interviews were conducted with leaders,
parents, school teachers and youth of the studied communities.

Results: tensions within the communities were revealed at the time of evaluation and consideration of the attained achievements, especially from the admission of the education system to the community life. This was evidenced because the produced transformations and asymmetries are new and divergent compared to those of the community practices.

Conclusions: the admission of the community youth to the education system causes cultural changes in family and community relationships, extending and strengthening the asymmetries of the community life.

How to Cite

Llanos Erazo, D. (2016). Asymmetries and Approaches to the Education Problems of the Indigenous Youth from the Central Highlands of Ecuador. ÁNFORA, 20(34), 81–96.


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Education system, youth, indigenous community.

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