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Arlín Pérez Duharte Reynaldo Jorge Lam Peña


Objective: to analyze, from the construction of a new family concept and its construct as an independent criminal legal right in the Cuban criminal legal system, the future challenges that are presented to the Cuban substantive criminal law due to social changes in family issues and provide effective protection against forms of gender or intrafamily violence suffered by its members. 

Methodology: the research was drawn up on the basis of theoretical documents and sentences from the Republic of Cuba’s Supreme People's Court alongside scientific methods such as: the normative exegetic, which seeks the analysis of legal norms; the logical- historical method that extracts the institutions’ ratio from their historical evolution and the legal-doctrinal therefore combining theoretical aspects necessary to understand the categories discussed in this material. Thus, an analysis was carried out on the concept of family, its new typological forms and the need of their protection by the Law and especially by the Criminal Law to expose the current legal regulation on family issues in the Cuban contemporary penal norm.

Results: there are legal imperfections in Cuba in terms of the protection of new family structures, although a recognition pre-exists from itself as a legal right, it is built on patriarchal and macho patterns; so that its tempering of new social conditions requires legislative changes in some matters. Conclusions: in Cuba, the substantive criminal law on family matters exists as a legal right. However, it is outdated in terms of the protection of new family structures

How to Cite

Pérez Duharte, A., & Lam Peña, R. J. (2018). The legal construction of the new family structure in the current substantive Cuban criminal legislation. ÁNFORA, 25(45), 257–278.


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Family structures, Criminal legal Right

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