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Gabriel Eduardo Escobar Arias


Objective: to determine the relationship between economic growth and cash flows of industrial sector companies in the departments of Antioquia and Valle del Cauca.

Methodology: based on the financial statements that the industrial companies of Antioquia and Valle del Cauca reported to the Superintendency of Corporations between 1995 and 2013. The analysis was conducted with 102 companies in Antioquia and 65 in Valle, which made this an ongoing report. The analysis calculated the operating and financing cash flows with which these companies established the statistical relationship between the growth of the regional economy and data, from the same period, from the National Statistics Department of Colombia.

Results: the statistical relationship between operating cash flows and growth of the regional economy increased in Antioquia by 0.389 and in Valle del Cauca by 0.879. This result was found to be unsatisfactory to make predictions, but when operating cash flows were added to financing, the statistical relationship increased to 0.740 in Antioquia, and Valle de Cauca to 0.818; more precise data to make cash flow prediction.

Conclusions: due to the direct relationship between the cash flows of industrial sector companies in Antioquia and Valle del Cauca and the regional economic growth, it is possible to make predictions of future cash flows for companies in this sector.

How to Cite

Escobar Arias, G. E. (2018). Economic Growth and Cash Flows: Application to the Industrial Sector in the Departments of Antioquia and Valle del Cauca (Colombia). ÁNFORA, 25(44), 113–132.


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Economic growth, Cash flow, Liquidity

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