Adolescents and Parents Conceptions about Sexuality based on Psychodrama
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Objective: to identify the adolescents` and their parents` conceptions (men and women) about sexual practices in order to establish a relationship between the conceptions of both parents and their children, and to determine whether the concepts of these participants respond to an evolutionary process, according to the current social demands.
Methodology: psychodrama was used as a technique for the formulation of the written text. Analysis of the written texts was made to reconstruct the meanings of segments that allowed the description of data in each of the subcategories. The study population was made up of college students from Bogotá, Colombia, between 14 and 17 years old (men and women) with their respective parents.
Results: the dialogues between the parents and the children revealed traditional features (a sexual act is only for adults when married, men only seek sex, premarital sex is a sin, etc.), in which benevolent sexism prevails. That is to say, conceptions in both genders of adolescents respond to stereotypes of social roles which are established on the basis of sexual differences, such as the ideal man (responsible for the woman) and the responsible woman (cares for her image) transmitted by parents.
Conclusions: participants exhibited a period of transition between social conservationism (moralizing and authoritarianism), and social evolutionism, that makes it difficult for them to accept that adolescents are sexed subjects of law that require, rather than indoctrination, critical and reflective sexual training which allows them to face a changing society.
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Sexuality, Adolescents, Psychodrama, Parents
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