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María Eugenia Arango Ospina


The absence of a favorable environment in the Latin American countries prevents that the food fulfllls its organic function, being it considered one of the basic needs of the man and society. In the middle of a scenario of food overproduction, there are about 800 million people around the world without availability to any food because oftheir poverty condition. The globalization and the liberation of the economy, in spite of
generating growth conditions on a world-wide scale, harm poor countries and farmers due to the lack of comparative advantages which are necessary to be part of an international market. The liberation of the markets has increased the imbalance in the resource distribution in both the countries and the different sectors of the society which, consequently, negatively affects the welfare of the poorest ones. It is fundamental then, to adopt redistributive measures to allow the adequate functioning of the alimentary system at both familiar and national level, when accessing and distributing these resources.

How to Cite

Arango Ospina, M. E. (2017). Negative effects of globalization on the alimentary security of the latin American countries. ÁNFORA, 11(19), 102–118.


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Globalization, Free Market, Alimentary security, Poverty, Development, Cooperation, Latin America

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