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Jordi Borja S.


The town that exists today, a town of third revolution, is made of overlapping layers, of multiple situations. The town that we have forged in our imagination and consolidated as a value and a conquest, it is a physical product, politically and culturally complex, ·European and Mediterranean, American and Asiatic, characterized by a concentration of population and activities. A place that fosters social and functional mixtures, with the capability of being self-governed and that it is an environment of symbolic identification and citizenship participation. Town as a meeting place, as an exchange place. A town identified as culture and commerce. Town of places and not only of flux spaces.

The pressure of dispersion, segregation and segmentation of the urban area that presents itself as an undefined magma, forces us to redefine the urban public spaces in the areas of new growth.

This essay works the three main stages or ages of the town. The first one, that of the concentrated, separated from its atmosphere. The second one, that of the metropolitan town, town plus suburbs. And third, that is the modern town, that of the town "to be thought" in the globalization. The town-region, the town-web, multipolar or polycentric, inserted in macro-regional urban systems, continental axis and global fluxes.

How to Cite

Borja S., J. (2017). Globalization and territory, a new treatment of the citizenship rights. ÁNFORA, 13(21), 77–95.


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Town, Civic Sense, Globalization, Exchange, Territory, Public Space, Citizen


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